Adult Education
Lenten Study Series
"Questions Jesus Asked" Wednesday Evenings During Lent March 12, 19, 26 – April 2, 9, 16 6:30-8:00 p.m. Join us as we gather for a simple supper of soup and bread and explore six questions that Jesus asked in our Gospels that reflect the joys and challenges of being human. For more details visit the Calendar Event listing.Zoom option available as well!
“Why are you afraid?” (Matthew 8:23-27)
“Why are you anxious?” (Luke 12:25-31)
“What are you looking for?” (John 1:35-38)
“What do you live for?” (Mark 8:34-38)
“Whom will you love?” (Luke 6:27-36)
“Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:18-20)
How might you respond to each of these questions?
How might our faith guide us as we seek clarity?
Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry is where 8-10 people meet in a committed group with the intention of establishing deeper connections with each other and with God. The groups meet once a month from October to June and are led by trained lay members of the congregation. The group meetings run 1.5 hours and include a check-in, a short topic reading, discussion of the topic, and closing prayer.
This year our Small Group theme is “An Altar in the World”. Each month we’ll focus on a different practice to inspire us to live our faith in our everyday lives. Full Details Posted Soon.
Wednesday Morning Adult Ed
“Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible”
Begins September 18th, 2024
1st, 3rd Wed 10:00-11:30 a.m. on Zoom
The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Judas – Why are these gospels not in our Bible? What about the Book of Enoch, the Wisdom of Solomon, and the Apocalypse of Peter? Why were these books and others like them considered to be controversial or heretical, and worthy only of inclusion in a supplemental “apocrypha” or left out of the Bible altogether?
This fall, we’ll begin a year-long video lecture series delving into the “lost” books of the Bible. We’ll look at the books of the Old Testament that are in some Bibles but not in others – including stories of giants, dragons, and fallen angels. We’ll explore the “Gnostic” gospels and other writings NOT in our New Testament – that offer alternative understandings of who Jesus was, who and what God is, and what our spiritual purpose is as created beings.
No bible knowledge is necessary, and newcomers are welcome! In each session, we watch a video together as a group and then have a discussion facilitated by Pastor Maureen. The class meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. from September through the beginning of March. We meet on Zoom because we’ve found this to be a more inclusive way to be together. Please RSVP to Pastor Maureen to receive the Zoom link, or access the link on our church website in the Members Section under “Wednesday Adult Ed”.
Racial Justice Group
The mission of this group is to engage in an ever-evolving anti-racism journey by educating ourselves, trying to educate others, and supporting BIPOC-led organizations who do work in racial justice. This group meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Parlor on the 2nd floor immediately after our 10:00 a.m. worship service. For more information visit our Racial Justice Group Webpage
The Second Hour
An ad hoc program offered on occasion during the hour following the Sunday church service. Topics vary and may be run in a series or as a single discussion. Church committees may also choose to present programs related to their work or interests during this hour.
Advent Offering
A December series of topics appropriate to the season across one or more evenings. Led by one of the pastors.
Back Porch Summer Series
Two or three informal evening gatherings in the summer, with discussions led by one of the pastors, at members’ homes. The focus is on spiritual and theological questions or issues of the day from a faith perspective.