December 2024
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 10:00 am Mill Apartments Luncheon Preparation by Church School Mill Apartments Luncheon Preparation by Church School10:00 am - 11:00 amChildren in preschool – 7th grade will be preparing food, placemats, and centerpieces during church school. Grades 5-7 will be serving the luncheon in Milford from 12:00 – 1:00 PM. More details to come 11:00 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:00 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps 11:30 am Small Group Ministry First Sunday Small Group Ministry First Sunday11:30 am - 1:00 pmWhat is Small Group Ministry? Small Group Ministry is where 8-10 people meet in a committed group with the intention of establishing deeper connections with each other and with God. The groups meet once a month from October to 12:00 pm Mill Apartments Luncheon served by Junior Youth Group (Grades 5-7) Mill Apartments Luncheon served by Junior Youth Group (Grades 5-7)12:00 pm - 1:00 pmThis annual event has been a favorite for many years. All Church School students will prepare food, placemats, and centerpieces during worship. The 5th – 7th grade students will pack everything up and bring it over to the Mill Apts. in | 2 10:00 am Woman’s Association Workshop Woman’s Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 3 1:30 pm Small Group Ministry First Tuesday Small Group Ministry First Tuesday1:30 pm - 3:00 pmWhat is Small Group Ministry? Small Group Ministry is where 8-10 people meet in a committed group with the intention of establishing deeper connections with each other and with God. The groups meet once a month from October to 4:30 pm Church Council Meeting (virtually) Church Council Meeting (virtually)4:30 pmCouncil will meet the 1st Tuesday of every month. Details for the meeting will be sent by email to those attending. For more information please contact Andrea in the Church Office (603-673-3231 | 4 10:00 am Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series10:00 am - 11:30 amBanned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible Wednesday Adult Ed series begins September 18, 10:00-11:30 a.m. on Zoom. This fall, we’ll begin a year-long video lecture series delving into the “lost | 5 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 6:30 pm Confirmation Class Confirmation Class6:30 pm - 8:00 pmConfirmation Class: We have met twice in October and explored topics including personal faith, prayer, and worship. The confirmands have now selected adult mentors to guide them throughout the year’s journey. This month’s meetings will be 11/7 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 6 | |
8 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 11:00 am Racial Justice Group Meeting Racial Justice Group Meeting11:00 amThe Racial Justice Group at CCA is dedicated to learning about the impact of racism on God’s world and our own hearts and minds, and taking action to bring about justice and the kin-dom of God in our 11:00 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:00 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps 6:00 pm Senior Youth Group Meeting (Grades 8-12) Senior Youth Group Meeting (Grades 8-12)6:00 pm - 7:30 pmThe SYG was busy in October with mission trip discussions, a spooky trip to Trombly’s “Dark Woods,” and a lot of Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns. November meeting are listed below. 11/3: “Levi Sunday” 11:15 AM – 12:30 | 9 10:00 am Woman’s Association Workshop Woman’s Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 10 7:00 pm Diaconate Meeting (in person) Diaconate Meeting (in person)7:00 pmThe Diaconate meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Details for the meeting will be sent by email. For more information please contact Andrea in the Church Office (603-673-3231 | 12 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 13 | ||
15 10:00 am An Altar In the World Worship: " The Practice of Wearing Skin" An Altar In the World Worship: " The Practice of Wearing Skin"10:00 amCreative Worship Mark you calendars! Our monthly Creative Worship returns on the third Sunday in September! This year our theme is AN ALTAR IN THE WORLD. Each month we’ll focus on a different “practice” to inspire us to live 5:00 pm Rehearsal: Christmas Eve Pageant (5th – 12th Grades)) Rehearsal: Christmas Eve Pageant (5th – 12th Grades))5:00 pm - 6:00 pmChristmas Pageant: Christmas Eve Family Service at 5 PM on 12/24 | 16 | 18 10:00 am Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series10:00 am - 11:30 amBanned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible Wednesday Adult Ed series begins September 18, 10:00-11:30 a.m. on Zoom. This fall, we’ll begin a year-long video lecture series delving into the “lost | 19 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 20 | 21 5:00 pm “Longest Night” Alternative Worship Service “Longest Night” Alternative Worship Service5:00 pmGather in the darkened sanctuary and create the light of anticipation, joy, courage, community … join voices accompanied by acoustic guitar and enjoy the time to be present | |
22 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service & Christmas Pageant Sunday Worship Service & Christmas Pageant10:00 am - 11:00 amThis Sunday children in preschool – 4th grade will be presenting a mini-pageant during worship. In order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In 11:00 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:00 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps 11:30 am Rehearsal: Christmas Eve Pageant (5th – 12th Grades) Rehearsal: Christmas Eve Pageant (5th – 12th Grades)11:30 amChristmas Pageant: Christmas Eve Family Service at 5 PM on 12/24 | 23 | 24 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Service Christmas Eve Family Service5:00 pmOur 5:00 p.m. Family Service is tailored for families with young children and for the young at heart. Come hear the Christmas story as told by our Youth Groups and Confirmands in our traditional Christmas Pageant. We’ll 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Service Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Service8:00 pmOur 8:00 p.m. Candlelight Service tells the Christmas story through lessons and carols with music from our Bell and Chancel Choirs. As the sanctuary gradually fills with candlelight and the singing of Silent Night, we proclaim the birth | 26 | 27 | 28 | |
29 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 11:00 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:00 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps | 30 | 31 |