March 2025
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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2 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 11:30 am Junior Youth Group (Grades 5-7) Junior Youth Group (Grades 5-7)11:30 am - 1:00 pmAll students in 5th – 7th grade are invited to join us after worship on the first Sunday of each month. This Sunday, we will meet in the community room for lunch after worship and talk about the upcoming season of | 3 10:00 am Woman's Association Workshop Woman's Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 4 4:30 pm Church Council Meeting (virtually) Church Council Meeting (virtually)4:30 pmCouncil will meet the 1st Tuesday of every month. Details for the meeting will be sent by email to those attending. For more information please contact Andrea in the Church Office (603-673-3231 | 5 10:00 am Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible: Adult Ed Series10:00 am - 11:30 amBanned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible Wednesday Adult Ed series begins September 18, 10:00-11:30 a.m. on Zoom. This fall, we’ll begin a year-long video lecture series delving into the “lost 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service Ash Wednesday Service7:00 pmJoin us in the sanctuary as we begin the season of Lent with our traditional Ash Wednesday service. We will come together for a time of contemplative prayer, readings, special music, communion, and the distribution of ashes. “Create in me | 6 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 6:30 pm Confirmation Class Confirmation Class6:30 pm - 8:00 pmConfirmation Class Regular Meeting in the 3rd Floor youth room. For questions please contact our Youth Ministries Director, Larissa Riley 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 7 6:30 pm YANA (You Are Not Alone) YANA (You Are Not Alone)6:30 pmMore details will be forthcoming. If you have questions, please contact Steve Boczenowski | 8 |
9 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 10:00 am WA Sunday Worship & Fellowship WA Sunday Worship & Fellowship10:00 amMembers of the Woman’s Association will participate in the service and then host the fellowship time in the Community Room following the service. All are invited! There will be a number of pieces of artwork on display at this 11:15 am Racial Justice Group Meeting Racial Justice Group Meeting11:15 amThe Racial Justice Group at CCA is dedicated to learning about the impact of racism on God’s world and our own hearts and minds, and taking action to bring about justice and the kin-dom of God in our 11:15 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:15 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps | 10 10:00 am Woman's Association Workshop Woman's Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 11 7:00 pm Diaconate Meeting (in person) Diaconate Meeting (in person)7:00 pmThe Diaconate meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Details for the meeting will be sent by email. For more information please contact Andrea in the Church Office (603-673-3231 | 12 6:30 pm Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked6:30 pm - 8:00 pmJoin us on six Wednesday evenings during Lent as we gather for a simple supper of soup and bread and explore six questions that Jesus asked in our Gospels that reflect the joys and challenges of being human: | 13 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 14 | 15 5:00 pm Alternative Worship Service: Joy, Kazoos & the Hope We Sing (rescheduled from 2/15) Alternative Worship Service: Joy, Kazoos & the Hope We Sing (rescheduled from 2/15)5:00 pmPastor Shellie Brook will lead a service with a Mardi Gras theme – bead necklaces, kazoos & more in a singalong style of worship of acoustic worship. Fellowship time following worship will feature pancakes! Come & enjoy a time to fill |
16 10:00 am An Altar in the World Worship: “The Practice of Being Present to God” An Altar in the World Worship: “The Practice of Being Present to God”10:00 amOn the third Sunday of every month, our 10:00 a.m. worship celebrates our church-wide theme – AN ALTAR IN THE WORLD. Each month we’ll focus on a different practice to inspire us to live our faith in 11:15 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:15 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps | 17 10:00 am Woman's Association Workshop Woman's Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 18 10:00 am Caregivers Circle Caregivers Circle10:00 am - 11:30 amCAREGIVERS CIRCLE is a support group for individuals providing caregiving to a family member, in your home, living away, or long distance. Caregiving can be a lonely role that is demanding and physically exhausting. The meeting enables the caregiver to | 19 6:30 pm Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked6:30 pm - 8:00 pmJoin us on six Wednesday evenings during Lent as we gather for a simple supper of soup and bread and explore six questions that Jesus asked in our Gospels that reflect the joys and challenges of being human: | 20 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 6:30 pm Confirmation Class Confirmation Class6:30 pm - 8:00 pmConfirmation Class Regular Meeting in the 3rd Floor youth room. For questions please contact our Youth Ministries Director, Larissa Riley 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 21 | 22 |
23 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 11:15 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:15 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps 3:00 pm Charlotte Bell Installation & Celebration Charlotte Bell Installation & Celebration3:00 pmAll Congregational Church of Amherst Members and Friends are invited to join us on | 24 10:00 am Woman's Association Workshop Woman's Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch | 25 | 26 6:30 pm Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked Lenten Supper Series: Questions Jesus Asked6:30 pm - 8:00 pmJoin us on six Wednesday evenings during Lent as we gather for a simple supper of soup and bread and explore six questions that Jesus asked in our Gospels that reflect the joys and challenges of being human: | 27 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal Bell Choir Rehearsal6:00 pmPlease meet in the Sanctuary for Bell Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chancel Choir Rehearsal7:30 pmPlease meet in the Vestry for Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Questions? Contact Sara Phelps | 28 8:00 pm Senior Youth Group Overnight Lock-In Senior Youth Group Overnight Lock-In8:00 pm - 8:00 amAll 8th – 12th grade teens are invited to spend the night at the church for a night of fun and learning. We will work on community building activities as well as participate in Experience Mission’s Service Training program. We | 29 |
30 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream) Sunday Worship Service (In person & Livestream)10:00 amIn order to be welcoming to all, please adhere to our in-person procedures to keep us safe as we gather. Please read our In Person FAQ for procedures, and answers to questions you may have about in person worship 11:15 am Youth Choir Youth Choir11:15 amTHE YOUTH CHOIR rehearsals meet on Sundays in the vestry after worship. Come and sing with us! Questions? Contact our Music Director, Sara Phelps | 31 10:00 am Woman's Association Workshop Woman's Association Workshop10:00 amThese workshops are informal meetings at which members and friends of the WA gather to prepare for any upcoming events or to just enjoy the fellowship of the group. Those who can stay past noon should bring their own lunch |